You are capable of achieving your wildest dreams.

 At 18 years-old, I stood atop the Olympic podium, 

Gold medal around my neck after swimming the lead-off leg of the record setting  

4 x 200 freestyle relay in the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in Sydney.  

My childhood dream, realized.  

Living proof that dreams do come true

when we tap into the magic inside of ourselves. 

There is magic inside of you too. 


I know how loud the noise can get.

Out there. And, in our own mind.

The self-doubt comes knocking. Then comes the fear. Comparison. And all the what-ifs.

Making it hard to get out of our own way.

Blocking us from the very thing we’re seeking.

Leading to more frustration + judgment + questions.

Am I really capable? Am I enough? Do I belong?

What if I told you that all this self-doubt + fear + feeling like a fraud — was a sign that you’re on your way?

What if I told you that all this noise around you + inside your mind — can become a strength?

I see you. I’ve been there.

And, I’ve got you.


Two months after standing atop the Olympic podium, 


I fell into the darkness. I found myself staring down depression, an eating disorder and a shoulder that needed surgery - not quite how I imagined my college experience.

I was lost. And everything felt out of control.

With the help of amazing mentors + coaches + support from so many, I was able to cultivate the habits, mindset and skill needed to get back to the top of the podium. Ending my athletic career a 7 x NCAA All-American and Co-Captain of the 2005 National Championship Georgia Bulldogs.

Happier. Healthier. And faster than before.

Because, both are possible.

Achievement and fulfillment


Here's the thing, the magic is always in there - no matter how big the challenge you face.

You are not your struggles.

You are not your failures.

And, you are not broken.

When we're down there - in those moments - we feel so alone. I know.

And I also know, struggle is universal.

I can promise you - you are not alone.  


We can't always control what's thrown our way. 

We CAN control how we respond. Our power lies in our ability to rise.

To shift gears. To step back in the driver's seat of our life.


It takes a village.


A vital component of achieving success AND fulfillment,

Of witnessing YOUR DREAMS become reality:

Surrounding yourself with people who will lift you higher, and nurture your growth. 

I have been blessed to work with an amazing coaches + mentors; our work together changed my life.   

Now, it's my time to pay-it-forward.  

And help YOU

  • Gain clarity on what it is you really want 

  • Build the pathway to achieve your dreams

  • Own your successes, so you can stop feeling like a fraud

  • Set boundaries that honor YOU

  • Shift from a space of reactivity into aligned, intention responding

  • Unearth, identify and release the blocks that are standing in your way

  • Strengthen your skill set so that you can rise with grace after, not if, you fall 


You are capable beyond your wildest imagination. 

Grab my hand, and let's  do this.   



You ready?

To take your performance to the next level

Move toward your BIG dreams, 

but need help figuring out HOW

Clear mental blocks + release the grip of the inner critic

Overcome the challenges + limiting beliefs that are holding you back

Get up faster after setbacks

Rekindle the spark you once had + enjoy the ride

Learn how to navigate relationships within a team setting

Fill out this form + book your free,

30-minute strategy call!! 

Let's GO.

alice o.PNG

I have grown in so many ways, I can barely even begin to express it. I have been able to move into a space of awareness of my emotions and acknowledge them as a part of being human and not as failure to be perfect.

I have also grown into a space where I can articulate and define my core values and qualities that i want to live my life by; kindness, helpfulness, rational, diplomatic, and passionate. And because of these values I have also been able to grow into another space of awareness in regards to my reactions of certain situations, especially when they are rooted deep in emotional responses; anger, fear, shame, disappointment, frustration. 

I have been able to create space for me and for the little things in life that I enjoy and need to have a life worth living that it not overwhelmingly packing every single waking moment of every day trying to accomplish and check every box to make sure that things don't end up "wrong" or "bad", when in reality that will never stop bad things from happening and they will still hurt all the same.

I have also been able to branch out and ask for help when I need it because it truly does take a village to live this life we are all living together. 

- Alice O’Connor, PT Student | USA Figure Skating National Team | 2 x Member of Top Ten World Championship Team | 2 x Top Three Finishes at USA Nationals


1:1 High performance Coaching with Samantha Livingstone

Package Structure:

30 min Strategy Call

Video coaching calls

Customized Deep Dive PDFs after every call

Personalized, custom 1:1 support model

Priority email support 

{ Parental feedback, when appropriate }

For 1:1 High Performance Coaching with Samantha, fill out this questionnaire and then be sure to schedule a strategy call so we can talk next best steps!!